The sun is one of Africa's most abundant resources and sustainable energy production using this sun has great potential on the continent. Söz Enerji carries out many projects to unlock this potential and increase access to clean energy in Africa. Here is Söz Enerji's work in the renewable solar energy sector
Solar Power Plants
Söz Enerji endeavours to meet its energy needs by establishing solar power plants in different parts of Africa. These power plants generate clean energy by converting solar energy into electricity, thus laying the foundations for an environmentally friendly future.
Solar Powered Environmental Lighting Systems
Many regions in Africa suffer from a lack of lighting at night. To solve this problem, Söz Enerji installs solar powered perimeter lighting systems, both providing lighting to local communities and promoting an energy source that respects the environment.
Solar Powered Security Cameras
Security is one of the primary concerns of every society. By installing solar-powered security cameras, Söz Enerji aims to increase security and minimise negative impacts on the environment.
Söz Enerji's projects not only contribute to clean energy production, but also provide local communities with employment and greater access to energy. These projects set an example in sustainability and environmentally friendly energy.
Söz Enerji is pioneering the construction of a solar-powered future on the African continent, increasing the demand for clean energy and providing solutions to the continent's energy challenges. We believe that these projects lay the foundations for a sustainable future and Söz Enerji is committed to achieving this goal.